From the Trenches: Telecommuting Stats as of June 2017

The way the world works is changing. The workplace is changing. More and more jobs are being filled by remote workers—those who work-at-home or in computing centers.

Those of us at Digital Works understand this new kind of workplace. That’s why we formed in 2013. We want to give our students and graduates the tools to thrive in this new kind of career setting.

Not only do we provide digital literacy training and job skills but, working with more than 70 companies nationwide, we assist with job placement and mentor our graduates through the pitfalls of a new and unique working environment.

Below are some of the numbers collected by that show just how much careers and the modern workplace have changed.

Truly, flexible work is the way of the future.

Digital Works graduates with class facilitator Tammy Spring (pictured middle).

About the author: Tammy Spring (pictured left in the center) serves as Digital Works Operations Manager. She oversees the program nationally, assisting students, graduates, and program facilitators across the country. If you’d like to contact Tammy, email her at or call her at (740) 603-7323.


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