5 Tips for Teleworking


Technology gives us the opportunity to be mobile workers. With access to a high-speed Internet connection, we can work from any location – from our home office, at the local coffee shop, a friend’s home, a hotel, a conference center – practically anywhere. Connected Nation and the Digital Works team comprise many experienced telework employees, and we would like to share our tips for being successful while working outside of a traditional office.

Designate your workspace

Sitting on the couch in front of the TV won’t help get you in a productive mood. Designate where your workspace is and set it up accordingly. This will help set boundaries for you and family members or roommates. They will know that when you are in your workspace, you are working.


Following a consistent routine can help limit distractions. “When I was self-employed, I struggled with enforcing boundaries and minimizing distractions,” said Bart Winegar with Connect Ohio. “It is important to be consistent long enough to establish a routine, which then becomes habit.” Part of Bart’s daily work at home routine includes getting dressed for the office, saying business casual attire helps put him in a professional state of mind.

Prioritize your tasks

Start your day by creating a list of tasks that need to be completed. Prioritize those tasks and schedule to tackle the challenging ones when your productivity and focus are highest. This will vary for everyone – perhaps first thing in the morning, an hour before lunch, or following your afternoon coffee break.

Take breaks

Staring into a computer screen for hours can quickly zap your productive spirit. Taking periodic breaks will help keep you motivated. Connected Nation VP Chris Pedersen recommends introducing movement to avoid sitting for long hours. “Coordinate walk and talk calls, set up an alternate work station so you can stand at the laptop for awhile, or take a 5-minute walk when your energy is down to help focus on tasks, ” shared Chris.

Health and wellness

Many companies make health and wellness opportunities a priority for employees – allowing for exercise, outdoor working spaces, campus walking routes and healthy café eating options throughout the workday. Don’t let working outside of an office deter from your overall health and wellness. Schedule time for exercise during your day and stock your fridge with fresh, healthy lunch and snack options.

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