Fort Campbell, Kentucky (June 28, 2022) – It’s common for spouses of the Fort Campbell community to begin looking for employment opportunities once they receive word that a PCS is on the horizon. One thing is likely, in that search for employment, The Spouse Employment Center is at the top as a valuable resource for spouses.

Brandice F.
Brandice was new to the area and looking for part-time employment. As a wife and mom, she knew she had to have some sort of balance to support her military husband, be able to take care of her children, and keep independence as a woman who could also financially contribute for her family.
She sat down with a Career Counselor at the Spouse Employment Center and learned about the unique opportunity with Digital Works. She knew remote work was the missing piece she’d been looking for. She needed flexibility for her two younger children, especially while her husband was away for weeks and months at a time.
Since her graduation from the program, Brandice has followed through with a virtual interview and has secured a flexible remote position, making it her very first work opportunity. Armed with the knowledge she obtained from class, there is no doubt that she’ll thrive in her new position and in her future career!