Digital Works: Connecting People & Jobs, Weekly Success

Digital Works Portsmouth, Nick Pertuset

The Digital Works training process typically takes four to six weeks for most participants to complete. Nick Pertuset was able to complete the training process in just three short weeks.

“From day one it was evident that he would most likely not require the normal amount of time allotted for the program,” said Tammy Spring, Digital Works Facilitator. “He was a very quick study and showcased his abilities when he submitted 68 words per minute on his first typing test.”

Nick was offered a level one customer service position and started receiving a paycheck after just three weeks of training.

Digital Works Woodsfield, Colin Johnson

Digital Works Woodsfield started taking training candidates in mid-November, with the very first participant, Colin Johnson. Johnson, determined to get through the training quickly, was a great asset in getting the program off to a great start in Woodsfield. He was able to complete two phases of the training process in less than five class sessions. Johnson hopes to start working from home in early 2014.

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