Skills Gap and Conversion to Hire
How much time does your organization waste assessing applications from candidates that don’t meet your minimum standards, don’t have access to sufficient technology, or simply are not a good fit for the position?
Some employers have come to us with a conversion-to-hire rate as low as 1%. By thoroughly understanding our employer partner requirements, Digital Works recruits, screens, and delivers packaged or customized training to convert 80% of Digital Works applicants to hire.

Digital Works graduates exceed employability standards with:
- Communication skills and etiquette
- Soft skills and selling skills
- Contributing to a team through cooperation
- Analyzing self-performance
- Seeking out opportunities for improvement
- National Retail Foundation (NRF) Customer Service Certification
Our graduates are working for companies that provide long-term employment with advancement opportunities.
If you are an employer seeking skilled workers with the qualifications for quality customer service management, please contact us. Connected Nation can screen, train, and certify individuals who will match your current resource need.