Keeping Safe on Social Media

Twitter. Facebook. Instagram. They’re all supposed to be fun. It says it right there in the description—social media.

But, those sites that are meant to connect with your social networks—your family, friends, co-workers, and others—can also connect you with some questionable people who are trying to get your private information.

So,how can you enjoy socializing without worrying? Below are some simple tips to protect your accounts from hackers:


    • Don’t accept new friends unless they’re connected to others you really trust. Remember, it’s also okay to ask your friends if they really know the person.


      • If you receive a friend request from someone you already thought you were friends with, check that friend’s page first. If it shows “friends” then you know this is a bogus account someone else has set up. Delete that fake friend request, and mark it spam if you have that option.


      • Have a seriously good password. Be sure to include capital letters, numbers, and punctuation such as an exclamation point or number sign.


      • Twitter, Facebook, and even Yahoo will send an alert if someone logs in from a computer browser they don’t recognize. This is why it’s important to put your phone number in your account so you can verify if it’s you or not.



      • Keep that phone number private; do not make it public on Facebook (a common mistake).


      • If hacked, change your password immediately.


      • If someone sends you a message with just a link in it, do NOT click it. Most friends and family members will write a note if they’re sending you something.

The best piece of advice is common sense. Be aware of what you’re putting on your social networks about yourself and your family. Don’t let crooks know when you’ll be on vacation, don’t post photos that show things like your license number or home address, and remember to treat every post as if it’s permanent and will always live online in some form.

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