Fort Campbell, Ky. (October 26, 2021) – Meet Valerie, one of the most recent graduates from Class #21 and a wonderful addition to the Digital Works’ family!
Valerie grew up in Wisconsin but recently moved to the Fort Campbell area to be with her daughter and son in-law, who is serving in the U.S. Army there. She is a proud grandmom whose main focus is her grandchildren, and you’d know that within the first few minutes of talking with her. She enjoys camping and watching her grandkids play soccer. She also loves serving as a Girl Scout leader for her granddaughter’s local troop. She heard about the Digital Works program from another Girl Scout leader and was encouraged to apply.

Valerie D
Valerie joined the virtual October class, and despite having years of customer service and sales experience, she learned new things and thought it was a great refresher course on her previous skills. When asked the most valuable tool she gained from the program, she replied, “One skill that I learned from Digital Works is how to write a wonderful resume. It is so important to choose the correct words, and they were able to do that for me.”
After receiving information about several vendors that offered remote work, Valerie hit the ground running. She researched each vendor, and applied for open positions with each one. All her hard work paid off when she received an employment offer to become a certified insurance agent. She was also pleasantly surprised to learn that she’d be compensated more than she expected.
Valerie begins training for her new position in November. She is excited to be a remote worker because it offers her the opportunity to be present for her grandkids while also earning an income for herself.
“Working from home will help me immensely if there is another school shut-down and my grandkids need to attend virtually,” said Valerie. “I love having the freedom to get them on and off the bus and attend their sports practice and scout meetings. I have told all my friends about Digital Works and what I have learned, and that there are companies out there that hire parents to work remotely!”