Fort Campbell, KY (April 28, 2021) – Since the birth of our Digital Works location in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, the local Goodwill Career Solutions Center has been one of our most supportive partners. We share the same passion and drive for helping those in our community become employed by offering job training and placement services.
The Career Solutions Center believes in the ABCs of employment: A job, a Better job, and a Career. Unfortunately, many of the people seeking employment services lack training or education, or they face barriers that must be overcome in order to succeed. It is their mission to connect people – including youth, seniors, veterans, military spouses, and those who are underemployed or unemployed – with career navigation, up-skilling pathways, and support services. Once they’ve attained the necessary skills, they are more likely to advance in their careers and, in turn, provide long-term stability for themselves and their families.
When asked how the mission of Digital Works and their Career Solutions center align, both Salina and Elizabeth – Career Coaches and the backbone of their program – agreed: “Our mission is changing lives through education, training, and employment. Digital Works has connected many of our clients with an opportunity to train for remote positions, which are highly desired right now, then assists those same clients with finding an appropriate position once they complete the program. Digital Works is like an extension of our own training. They have truly helped us execute our mission in its entirety!”
Goodwill Career Solutions Center hosts weekly job and resource fairs and never fail to invite us to attend. These give us a chance to tell others about our job readiness training and specialized mentorship through job placement. Without these outreach opportunities and the referrals from their wonderful career counselors, many of our previous graduates would not have participated in our program!
Career Coach Elizabeth said it best: “Digital Works is a valuable resource for our community since so many people desire remote positions but lack the skills or connections to obtain them. We assist our clients with improving their computer skills and identifying job leads, but since we do not have a dedicated remote work training program, having access to a free resource that allows our clients to learn the necessary skills for their desired position is invaluable.”

Chantel Cooke
About the Author: Chantel Cooke is a Proctor at the Digital Works Fort Campbell facility. Her signature strengths are outreach, mentoring, and assessment review. She is responsible for guiding, mentoring, and teaching individuals to become skilled and confident in remote job positions that improve the lives and family dynamics within the military community.