Employer Notices Excellent Work: Angela’s Story

Angela De Herrera was having a difficult time finding and securing employment. After finishing her training through Digital Works she was hired right away by ViaSource. At first De Herrera struggled with the new position and thought about searching for other employment opportunities. She soon realized that perseverance in the workforce is crucial to success, thanks to help from a Digital Works Virtual Facilitator, Heather Davis. Davis had pushed De Herrera to speak with her ViaSource team and ask for additional help from trainers.


She became persistent in learning the skills she was hoping to get better at which heightened her success. A Team Lead from ViaSource personally reached out to Angela to offer appreciation for the dedication she continues to demonstrate through her work.


Angela De Herrera

“You truly make my life so much more enjoyable on the weekends and I just wanted to let you know that you are awesome,” said Team Lead, Memory Lang. “I really appreciate your coming in and doing your job.”


Sticking it out with ViaSource enabled De Herrera to see that her work and extra training hours are acknowledge by staff. She’s connected with her work, knowing that it’s making a difference in others’ lives.


We count on you here at ViaSource, not only your team but the patients that are calling for your help as well,” said Lang. “Keep up the amazing work.”


From the moment De Herrera reached out for additional training, she has been excelling in her work. Her story is a great example of receiving the qualified skill sets for a job and persevering to succeed.


A mother of three and married for 13 years, she told us that she now loves the flexibility, she has the option to schedule work in even half hour increments, the people she works for, and, of course, the “commute.”


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